That Was Not a Protest

Mr. Bon Bon
5 min readJan 8, 2021

White Supremacy was on full display on January 6th, 2021. There is no moderate rhetoric to describe what transpired. There is no moderate stance on this. The sitting President of the United States, held a conspiracy filled rally, and instructed a group of domestic terrorists to march on to the Capitol. What took place at the Capitol is in no way shape or form at all comparable to what took place three blocks away in the plaza, in streets across the country and around the globe. The latter is considered protesting. The former is a product of white supremacy. This is looting. This is rioting. However, this is America.

There is a glaring double standard. The difference between the protests in the streets surrounding Black Lives Matter and conspiracy theorists attacking the Capitol is stark. The actual protests in the streets stemmed from ongoing injustice which is a result of systemic racism. What took place on January 6th, 2021 was not a protest. It was an act of domestic terrorism. Choose your words carefully. Words have meaning. Identify what this is.

This could have easily been prevented. The very people that tout “Law and Order” and “Blue Lives Matter,” are the same ones that attacked law enforcement and laid siege on the Capitol. How can you wear something that says Blue Lives Matter and attack a “Blue Life.” From images and videos released, some of these law enforcement officials willingly let these people in. They were supposed to “hold the line.” The lack of law enforcement present gave their compatriots free admission to the club. White supremacy allowed this to take place. Some law enforcement officials even took selfies with the insurgents inside of the Capitol.

The sitting President of the United States hyped up a mob of white supremacists to march on to the Capitol on the day that the legally and newly elected President of the United States was to be officially nominated by both houses of congress. Through the process of the (antiquated) electoral college. Baseless claims, disproved by judges that were appointed by the current President, spoke at a final stance rally of “oppression” and “unfairness” which led a mob of domestic terrorists to infiltrate and overtake one of our most sacred buildings which was in session attempting to uphold the very fabric of democracy. This was an insurrection.

There is absolutely no comparison to be made between an uprising of the people by the people to challenge systemic racism vs. the alt-right conspiracy theorists which have ingested this garbage spewed out of the mouth of one of the worst humans created. On one side there are people speaking out against government injustices and on the other side you have people speaking out against legal votes made by American citizens.

If you overlooked everything he did over the last four years and still voted for him, it would be in your best interest to completely remove yourself from him. Completely detach. Failure to absolutely remove yourself from him and his following shows your lack of humanity and lack of moral compass. Please know that you helped create this though. Kindly change your discourse now. The flags, bumper stickers, propaganda, things you share in his support, his very name elicits white supremacy and white nationalism. The second time people voted for him, they overlooked all of his flaws because of selfish reasons, most likely their own wallet, and they gave him this power — please come to terms with this. This is not a revolution of ideas that anyone should side with. His name is associated with White Supremacy. That was made apparent on January 6th in every image and video that you have been seeing across every single news source and media outlet. Sad thing about him is that he really doesn’t give a shit about anyone but himself. He is the fraud.

If you were ever questioning white supremacy, the uncertainty of what white privilege looks like, and if you denied systemic racism in this country, allow yourself to come to terms with the ease in which the aforementioned events took place. If this was reversed, I guarantee you the outcomes would have been much different. If the Black Lives Matters protests lead to the Capitol… If god forbid a group of Muslim people did this… Just think of what would have been said about this day. What would have happened? What makes this day any different than any other act of terrorism inflicted on this country? It’s an atrocity on so many levels. Defense measures would’ve been put in place long in advance. More bodies would have been taken. More arrests would have been made. Pay attention to how this is described vs. how protests for the people by the people were communicated to the public. The insurgents are posting pictures and videos of them admitting to doing this. Think about that entitlement. That’s white privilege. Knowing they won’t face any punishment.

Insurgents stormed the capitol with pro-nazi apparel, heiling hitler, waving the confederate flag in the Capitol, waving a defaced American flag with a blue line and calling for justice and unfairness. They think they are the victims. This is tragic. This is delusional. People that protested and were injured and arrested in any Black Lives Matter protest bore witness to this absurd double standard. If you protested you knew you were likely to get arrested. Not here, they were escorted kindly. Black Lives Matter protesters tore down confederate statues and our sitting President called for 10 year minimums in prison. Then they witness white domestic terrorists storm our capitol with a layup from law enforcement. Let’s hope that law and order takes place. Acknowledge that there is a huge problem that this was allowed to happen.

It’s overwhelming to think about how change can happen. Drastic change takes years. But change can come from each of us. Anyone with any semblance of reality and morality, can do something. What I ask is that you continue to have those very real, very uncomfortable conversations with one another. Understand systemic racism. Learn on your own. Learn from others willing to share. Continue to hold yourself to a higher standard. Back on July 4th, I asked my social media following “Freedom for who?” It is evident who that freedom was meant to protect. Please use this insurrection as evidence as to who this country protects.

Our words are important. Be very careful and intentional with them. Please make sure you never use the word protest in what took place on January 6th. This was white supremacy in living color. These people feel oppressed. They are playing victim. This was domestic terrorism. They should not be allowed to play victim.

We have a white problem in this country. White people need to fix this by holding white people and those in power accountable for systemic change. Whiteness is a social construct and it is whiteness that feels oppressed and victimized. I know it is because I see it firsthand, I’ve been surrounded by it and I heard it from people that were close to me. If you ever questioned what white privilege grants, and didn’t understand what White Supremacy fully meant, it was on full display on January 6th, 2021.

